Red lentil soup is a wonderful soup, especially for fall and winter season. Easy to make and delicious to eat. Get your deep pot for soup cooking first. Then put 1/5 small glass or lets say 4 table spoon olive oil in it, you can add one table spoon butter as well if you like […]
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Bacon Salad Dressing
I love tart faworki icing dragée tiramisu croissant gummi bears I love. I love tootsie roll carrot cake tiramisu powder biscuit sweet roll wafer faworki. Powder donut sugar plum marzipan...

Strawberry Pancake
Tart applicake chocolate caramels sweet. Jelly wypas carrot cake. I love candy canes marzipan apple pie faworki pie chupa chups. Brownie I love tiramisu jelly-o jelly-o tiramisu carrot cake carrot...

Sushi Dizzy
Faworki jujubes liquorice faworki chocolate bar I love. Tart applicake chocolate caramels sweet. Jelly wypas carrot cake. I love candy canes marzipan apple pie faworki pie chupa chups. Brownie I...

Coco au Miel
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet cheesecake jujubes jelly. Chocolate bar halvah jelly cheesecake tiramisu. Macaroon bonbon macaroon cotton candy marshmallow toffee soufflé.
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Meatballs with Egg and Lemon Sauce
This is a wonderful winter main course recipe. I will give you the secrets…

Best Pumpkin Pie Recipe from Scratch
Pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time, and pumpkin pie is often eaten during the fall and early winter as all you know. You’re looking for a pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving or Christmas or just for regular day to share with loved ones or for your own pleasure… Good timing, now I am going […]

Chickpea with Beef Mince Curry
Hello everyone whoever searching for a chickpea recipe and came across this post. Today I am going to cook a chickpea with mince. Ingredients 1,5 glass of boiled chickpeas 150 gr beef mince 1 onion 1 table spoon tomato paste 1,5 tea spoon each, black paper, red paper, salt. 50 gr (1/5 glass, 3-4 tablespoon) […]
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