
Chickpea with Beef Mince Curry

Chickpea with Beef Mince Curry

Hello everyone whoever searching for a chickpea recipe and came across this post. Today I am going to cook a chickpea with mince.


  • 1,5 glass of boiled chickpeas
  • 150 gr beef mince
  • 1 onion
  • 1 table spoon tomato paste
  • 1,5 tea spoon each, black paper, red paper, salt.
  • 50 gr (1/5 glass, 3-4 tablespoon) olive oil (if you like you can additionally add 1 table spoon butter to give more taste).

How to prepare?

Time to time I boil around 500 gr, 1 kg, it means 35 ounces of chickpeas and put in the freezer.

Wash your chickpeas under the running water, then put in a pot and fill with cold water and put on a medium heat oven.

When it started to boil, make the heat lower, and left to boil, but check it out time to time.

If you see water goes down, you can fill with half water again.

If you want, you can get the foams out with the help of a spoon. We will run them all through under a cold water after the boiling process actually, but again you can get some of those foam out while boiling too.

After around 2 – 2.5 hours later, your chickpeas will be done perfectly.

Then drain the water and wash a bit under cold water to start cooling process, and left to cool. When it is cold, depends of your chickpeas measure, part them 3 to 5 pieces and put them in a refrigerator bags, zipper bags to freeze them. Of course leave a portion to use now to prepare our dinner for today.

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Ok now let’s start to cook our dinner. Put your pot again on the oven, get your 150 gr beef mince out of freezer. If you warmed out before, it is better. But if you decided to cook it at the last minute just like me, no worries… put out that small piece of mince on the pan, and with medium to lower heat use your wooden spoon and cook it a bit.

When started to cook, add 1 sliced onion, 1 table spoon tomato paste, 1,5 tea spoon each red pepper, black pepper and salt… add your one bowl or 1,5 glass of chickpeas and add 1,5 glass of water on it, and let them cook. It may take around 30 min. to cook this delicious and full of protein, winter recipe. Both animal and vegetable, legume protein.

Hmm looks and smell delicious!

Bon Appetit!

Don’t forget to visit my YouTube channel.

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