
Tag Archives | Ground Beef

Chickpea with Beef Mince Curry

Chickpea with Beef Mince Curry

Hello everyone whoever searching for a chickpea recipe and came across this post. Today I am going to cook a chickpea with mince. Ingredients 1,5 glass of boiled chickpeas 150 gr beef mince 1 onion 1 table spoon tomato paste 1,5 tea spoon each, black paper, red paper, salt. 50 gr (1/5 glass, 3-4 tablespoon) […]

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Fried dough with ground beef: Puf Boregi

Fried dough with ground beef: Puf Boregi

Puf Boregi is a very simple yet very delicious recipe. Make it a very simple dough, flour for all purpose, hint of salt and water, that’s all. Prepare the filling ground beef with lots of chopped onions, red pepper and black pepper. Open small pieces of dough and fill with a spoonful ground beef and […]

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Savory Pastry: Kombe

Savory Pastry: Kombe

Kombe is an Anatolian Borek. Dough with ground beef or potatoes, only two kinds of filling use with this pastry if  you want to use any other things, that can not be Kombe. I will write more details later, for now writing quick notes. Bon Appetit!

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Eggs with Ground Beef for Breakfast

Eggs with Ground Beef for Breakfast

Eggs with Ground Beef for Breakfast Cook ground beef with olive oil. Add black pepper and red pepper. Add 2 eggs. Serve with tomato and olive. My suggestion is drink 1 glass of lemon with cold water every morning, don’t forget we are never using sugar! You are seeing my lemon water at the right […]

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