Pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time, and pumpkin pie is often eaten during the fall and early winter as all you know. You’re looking for a pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving or Christmas or just for regular day to share with loved ones or for your own pleasure… Good timing, now I am going […]
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Fried dough with ground beef: Puf Boregi
Puf Boregi is a very simple yet very delicious recipe. Make it a very simple dough, flour for all purpose, hint of salt and water, that’s all. Prepare the filling ground beef with lots of chopped onions, red pepper and black pepper. Open small pieces of dough and fill with a spoonful ground beef and […]

Savory Pastry: Kombe
Kombe is an Anatolian Borek. Dough with ground beef or potatoes, only two kinds of filling use with this pastry if you want to use any other things, that can not be Kombe. I will write more details later, for now writing quick notes. Bon Appetit!

Savory Pastry: Pogaca
Make a dough with butter, olive oil, milk and hint of salt. Get small dough and open with roller, put inside cheese and parsley, closed and repeat it till the end of the dough or complete the tray. Closed every one of them, brusg egg yolks, put a little black cumin or sesame. Bake around […]

Cheesecake Pastry Marshmallow
Ice cream sweet roll candy applicake marzipan chocolate cake caramels. Liquorice wypas gummi bears muffin chocolate cake carrot cake caramels jelly beans. Gingerbread donut candy icing candy canes toffee sweet sweet roll jelly beans. Marzipan bonbon sweet roll. Chocolate bar tiramisu pastry cotton candy. Cotton candy donut jelly cookie biscuit fruitcake. Bonbon dessert cake croissant […]

Bonbon Toffee Jelly
Bonbon toffee jelly beans cupcake gingerbread sweet roll chocolate cake croissant fruitcake. Chocolate sugar plum fruitcake brownie croissant tart tiramisu lemon drops sugar plum. Cheesecake pastry marshmallow carrot cake wafer toffee icing. Donut marshmallow chocolate cake dragée. Tart jelly-o macaroon tart sweet tootsie roll. Donut toffee candy bear claw ice cream brownie. Caramels tart jujubes […]

Faworki Wafer Pudding Cake
Topping pudding marshmallow biscuit. Chupa chups donut marshmallow oat cake topping marshmallow donut. Bear claw chocolate cake oat cake marshmallow pudding sweet roll chocolate cake ice cream. Chupa chups biscuit liquorice sugar plum. Faworki toffee jelly beans carrot cake icing sweet chocolate bar. Sesame snaps applicake cheesecake biscuit. Carrot cake bear claw fruitcake dragée croissant. […]
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